Archive - August 2014


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Nutrition during flights

Everybody knows the importance of good nutrition. Healthy nutrition and regular meal times are generally believed to positively affect concentration and endurance and prevent tiredness. Food, therefore, has an effect on...

Cataract studies on pilots

Cosmic radiation can be a contributing factor in the formation of cataracts in the eyes of professional pilots. RADIATION CAN HAVE AN EFFECT ON HEALTH Pilots, and all those on board an aircraft, are exposed to ionising...

Studies conducted on flight crews

Very many studies have been conducted on flight crews related to their work-environment, irregular working hours and traveling across time zones.
Some of them will be posted here

How long are you going to remain seated today?

I was recently browsing on TED, looking for any interesting and enjoyable lectures when I happened on one. A simple quote sits in my mind and is as follows: “Sitting is the new smoking, but you’ve got options”. You know...

Sitting next to the window or the aisle

Author: Axel F. Sigurðsson, cardiologist, MD, PhD, FACC  Deciding where to sit during a flight can make a difference to your health. Studies indicate that sitting in a window seat rather than an aisle seat is...


RADIATION What and where is radiation, what are the effects of radiation on the human body, how much radiation are we exposed to and what can we do to minimise our exposure? An attempt will be made to answer these...

Ebola outbreak

The World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a statement today (7 August 2014) and subsequently issued guidelines on the present ebola outbreak in West Africa. The ebola outbreak is currently limited to four countries in...

Air Passenger rights

By Geirþrúður Alfreðsdóttir. You have rights in case things go wrong when flying. This concerns delays, cancellations and overbooking that prevent you from boarding … … and applies if you are: departing from...