Category - Diseases & medications

If there existed a magical medication

By: Ágústa Johnson     If there existed a medication, free of side-effects, that, in small doses prevented common life-threatening diseases and decreased the risk of an untimely death, wouldn’t we all take it...

Covid 19 – rules

The rules that apply to Covid -19 are constantly changing, not only between countries but also the rules in each country change very often. To get the latest information on rules that apply in Iceland, it is best to go...

The risks of a sedentary lifestyle

Höf: Geirþrúður  Alfreðsdóttir. Þegar við erum á ferð og flugi hættir okkur til að sitja of lengi. Vert er að minna á að mjög mikilvægt er fyrir heilsuna að forðast kyrrsetur og að standa reglulega upp eða í það minnsta...