Category - Lifestyle

Are you ready for the sun ?

By: The expert team of “Heilsuvera” in Iceland The sun is the phenomenon that makes it possible for us to live here on earth. It warms us, gives us energy, light, and when it shines on the skin, the skin...

Activate the body’s defense mechanism

By: Helga María Guðmundsdóttir The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism against pathogens like fungi, viruses, and bacteria. It also protects it’s own cells and bodily functions. By strengthening the immune...

The connection between nutrition and mental strength

By: Elísa Viðarsdóttir and Margrét Lára Viðarsdóttir Nutrition and mental health are among the most important issues in the world these days. We usually decide for ourselves what we eat and how we think, which is why it...