Very many studies have been conducted on flight crews related to their work-environment, irregular working hours and traveling across time zones.
Some of them will be posted here
Very many studies have been conducted on flight crews related to their work-environment, irregular working hours and traveling across time zones.
Some of them will be posted here
By: The expert team of “Heilsuvera” in Iceland The sun is the phenomenon that makes it possible for us to live here on earth. It warms us, gives us energy, light, and when it shines on the skin, the skin...
By: Ágústa Johnson If there existed a medication, free of side-effects, that, in small doses prevented common life-threatening diseases and decreased the risk of an untimely death, wouldn’t we all take it...
Höf: Erlingur Jóhannsson. Heilsa er flókið hugtak því þeir þættir sem hafa áhrif á hana eru fjölmargir og ólíkir. Hugtakið er mikið notað, t.d. í daglegu tali fólks og í fjölmiðlum. Þrátt fyrir algengi hugtaksins er...
Fit to Fly is an educational website for both flight crews and passengers.
The aim is to give advice on how to be able to “FLY FIT”, including advice on what can be done to better enjoy the flight as well as tips on how to feel comfortable on board the plane.
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